Sunday, July 6, 2008

Gmail & Firefox 3 - How to make Gmail your default email client.

So today I discovered 2 of my most favorite things (web related) have kept racking up the 'I'm a Bad Ass App' points. On my laptop I only have Thunderbird installed as a way to archive my Gmail account and prefer to use the Gmail web interface for all my mail.

I just happended to be purusing the Gmail Blog this evening and saw this great post about taking advantage of Firefox3 and using Gmail as your default email client.

Open firefox and log into your Gmail account. Now from your Gmail window past the following into your address bar:

Click 'Enter'

You will be prompted to add Gmail as an email client. Make sure you put a check in the box "Remember my choice for mailto links" or Firefox will not keep Gmail as the preffered email client.

//This content was found at the Official Gmail Blog. If you have any issues with this DO NOT CONTACT ME! I am only sharing this info as it is a feature I am using with my setup.

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